OCTOBER 2022 – The Confrontation Between PAST and FUTURE
by ClaudiaVannini
October brings great revelations. This Month’s Solar Eclipse is in Scorpio. It is the confrontation between past and future. That which is in the depths reappears. This astral affects the entire Planet Earth. Conspiracies and plots shock Humanity. Opposite the Eclipse is the sign of Taurus. The one who holds structures and maintains financial security. We are in a moment of transformation. We are called to seek new sources of energy. It is the beginning of the end for oil and gas. It’s still a slow movement, but it brings big problems to everyone. With Saturn and Pluto returning to direct motion, we feel the planet Earth in motion. Everything that was stagnant starts to move. Time flies. A certain relief arrives at the end of the month. Mars retrogrades and the desire for territorial dispute is reduced. Until January, 2023 we can have less violent moments. The Solar Eclipse allows you to close a door on a theme from the past. On November 8th, everyone will open a new door. It will be the Lunar Eclipse. Take the opportunity to make the necessary transformation for your sign.
The Lunar Calendar
02nd – Waxing Moon in Capricorn – no guarantees, persevere
06th – Gibbous Moon in Pisces – propitious to persevere in a theme
09th – FULL MOON in Aries – peaks, maximum energy
14th – Disseminating Moon in Gemini – conducive to breaking patterns
17th – Waning Moon in Cancer – gathering, auditing, finalizations
22nd – Balsamic Moon in Virgo – conducive to healing, forgiveness and breakups
25th – NEW MOON in Scorpio, SOLAR ECLIPSE – conducive to reviewing the past. Do not start a company or launch projects at this stage.
30th – Emerging Moon in Capricorn – propitious to take strength
Read your Sun and Rising Sign.
A good month to all! Enjoy every moment of this Planetary Adventure and Be Happy on Earth.
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 8th house. It’s time to review your sex life and the way you understand power. If you’ve been feeling low on prestige, start taking matters into your own hands. No hiding or leaving all the responsibility to others. Do it for yourself. Love calls for serious commitment. Health improves in the last week of the month.
GOOD DAYS: 2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,23,24,30
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 7th House. You will review your marriage and business partners. If something is not going well, take the opportunity to analyze the pros and cons of each relationship. Relatives are in serious trouble. Stay tuned. The end of the month is excellent. In the last week, you notice improvement in health and love. Until then, include moments of rest.
GOOD DAYS: 2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12,21,22,24,30
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 6th house. It’s time to rethink your vocation and routine. You can choose another direction for your professional life. You can change old habits and abandon addictions. A change in the physical body is welcome. Even new clothes will look good. Change the whole look. Love improves a lot in the last week of the month. Health calls for extra attention.
GOOD DAYS: 4,5,7,8,13,14,16,17,18,25,26
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 5th house. It’s time to review your creativity. If you haven’t created anything new, you should do arts and crafts. It’s the best way to unlock creative talent. The children ask for special attention this month. After half the month, your life starts moving again. Health requires care until the 23rd. Love in a balanced phase.
GOOD DAYS: 4,5,8,9,10,13,14,15,25,25,26
This month’s Solar Eclipse Moves Your 4th House. It’s the home and family that demand attention. You can choose a new place to live. You can do a major renovation in the house. Relatives may go through health or financial dramas. Try to support them. Take the opportunity to do your ancestral healing. Your health remains strong. Love goes well until the 23rd. Then marital confusion.
GOOD DAYS: 2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,18,21,22,
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 3rd house. It is the opportunity to review your studies and the way you communicate. Invest in courses that improve your performance. Short trips also happen this month. Financial life is going very well. You have Venus’ support to make good deals. Health is good. Siblings with problems during this month. Love in balance.
GOOD DAYS: 2,3,4,5,8,9,13,14,18,23,24,25,
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 2nd house. It’s time to review finances. You can change your routine so your money gives more results. You can change jobs or work more. The results of these changes will appear soon. The moment is excellent. You are supported by Venus in Libra. Have fun and shine! Friends with serious problems. Support them. Love and health are in a good phase.
GOOD DAYS: 3,4,5,8,9,12,13,14,16,17,18,
This month’s Solar Eclipse happens in your sign. You have the opportunity to review your entire existence. It is time to look in the mirror and see how your stay on Earth is going. Big changes can come after this deep reflection. Some Scorpios go into an existential crisis until the beginning of November. Love and health gain strength after the 23rd.
GOOD DAYS: 1,4,5,8,9,13,14,18,19,25,26,
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 12th house. It’s time to look back. Review your entire family tree. Thank all ancestors and allow yourself to be different. Many Sagittarians delve into spiritual themes. Finances improve at the end of the month. Health requires attention until the 23rd. The family is strengthened. Love is still very happy.
GOOD DAYS: 2,3,4,9,13,14,18,21,22,23,26,
This Month’s Solar Eclipse Moves Your 11th House. You analyze your friends and the institutions you attend. You can break up toxic friendships or end membership in a sports club. These breaks will ease your routine. Friends and bosses have serious problems. Support them. Health improves in the last week of the month. The emotional life remains neutralized.
GOOD DAYS: 2,4,5,9,11,13,14,18,21,22,23,
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 10th house. It’s time to analyze your career choices. Maybe you change jobs or even choose another profession. There is success from now on. Your parents may experience crises this month. Support them. Health remains stable. Love goes through dramas. If things aren’t going well in your relationship, get ready for a messy breakup.
GOOD DAYS: 3,6,7,8,9,12,14,17,18,22,25,
This month’s Solar Eclipse moves your 9th house. Take the opportunity to review plans for long trips and studies. You can change courses or interrupt a study plan. Your faith is also questioned. The workplace is in trouble. Your health suffers a little. Fit moments of rest throughout the month. Love remains strong.
GOOD DAYS: 1,5,8,9,10,14,15,18,24,25,26,
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