February 2025: A Month of Passion, Power Moves, and Cosmic Shifts
by ClaudiaVannini
The month begins with illusions in the emotional field. Venus and Neptune join hands and you enter the imaginary world. Let’s hope this energy doesn’t carry over into the business sector. Open your eyes and ask for the opinions of experienced people. On the 4th, Venus enters Aries. This is an exciting time for couples and lovers. Singles are more eager to start a relationship. Some become reckless and may jump from relationship to relationship.
On the 4th, the best news! Jupiter, the ruler of the year, returns to its direct movement. Did you think 2025 started fast?
Well, now is when it truly begins. And it will be fast, just like Jupiter likes, at least until November 2025. Let’s focus on the good part? Jupiter brings many benefits. It brings growth, expansion, joy and benevolence. Everything is bigger, exaggerated and can surprise. There is no stagnation with Jupiter in charge.
The 9th is excellent for you to have a brilliant idea. Get your team together and get to work.
On the 12th, the Moon reaches its peak. It is the Full Moon in Leo. The Moon in Leo activates the leaders of companies and the Planet. We can expect important decisions and speeches. In your personal life, be careful not to become too authoritarian.
On the 14th, Mercury enters Pisces. This is an excellent time to use your intuition and perception. Meditate and find the answers to your questions.
On the 18th, after 21:07 UTC, Pisces babies are born. Welcome! Congratulations to all the Pisces who add color to our Planet.
On the 24th, at 01:00 UTC, Mars returns to its direct movement. We gain more energy to fight for our desires. Some conflicts may return.
On the 25th, at 12:01 UTC, Mercury and Saturn meet. This is the time for a meeting with clear objectives. This is the perfect day to sign a contract or put your word on a proposal. So, the preliminaries should be done before this date. On the 28th, at 00:44 UTC, the New Moon in Pisces brings the opportunity to start over. Don’t think that the month is ending. For those of us who love the Moon, the month is just beginning. We launch projects and begin new endeavors. This time, with Mars helping us.
A great month for you. Be Happy on Earth!
01st – Emerging Moon in Pisces, at 22:20 UTC.
A good moment to gain strength.
05th – Waxing Moon in Taurus, at 08:01 UTC.
There are no guarantees at this time, persist.
08th – Gibbous Moon in Cancer, at 20:31 UTC.
Good moment to persevere on a topic.
12th – Full Moon in Leo, at 13:53 UTC.
Moment of highs, maximum energy and exaggerations.
16th – Disseminating Moon in Libra, at 14:08 UTC.
Good time to break patterns.
20th – Waning Moon in Sagittarius, at 17:32 UTC.
Time for retreat, audit, endings and breakups.
24th – Balsamic Moon in Capricorn, at 14:04 UTC.
A good moment to heal, forgive and endings.
28th – New Moon in Pisces, at 01:44 UTC.
Suitable time for launching businesses and ideas.
Calm. February is a quiet month for you. There are no major events. At work, you manage your routine and manage to meet your goals. If you are a businessman, you need to broaden your horizons. Jupiter moves the travel sector and you should look for other regions, other states and countries. Students should also have this outlook. Always look outside, far away. This quiet phase, during February, should be used to deepen your studies or prepare for a job interview. Next month, this calm may end and your professional life may open up. Don’t miss the opportunity and prepare yourself. Finances are going well, but expenses are high. If you have children or are renovating your home, prepare to reach your financial limit. Get organized. Your health is still excelent. On the last New Moon, on the 27th, you feel weak. Love is still very lively. Single people can meet someone fun. Married people have fun together. They only get into conflict because of expenses with the home and children. You should make a detailed spreadsheet.
Movement! February is a busy month. There is no rest. You feel that your professional life is changing. You may look for a new job or a complete change in your career. If you are still in the same place, you should remember that 2025 is a year of movement in the professional sector. Do not settle. Think, every day, about how you want the change to happen. Get out of the passive role and get active. Study, specialize and participate in selection processes. If you wish to open your business, do your research. Don’t venture out without knowing the market. Money is plentiful, but expenses follow. The more you earn, the more you spend. Make your budget on paper. If you are married, count on financial advantages from your partner. Try to get closer to coworkers and students in specialization courses. Networking is essential at this time. Be careful with promises of quick gains or amazing deals. Your health is good. Love is going well. Married people should avoid harsh communication. Single people are lucky.
Good winds! The month is lively. You have great opportunities in your professional life. You may grow at work or move to a new location. It is important to keep a transformative outlook on your possibilities. Even if everything is going well, consider whether you can create something better. Jupiter enhances your self, your self-esteem and your truths become clear. It is a time for self-knowledge. The period is favorable for transformed, new, reformulated money. Finances are going well. Money comes and without delay. You feel courageous and capable of earning more. You may be overconfident and speculate without having all of the knowledge. Use this courageous energy for work, not so much for money. If you are going to travel, be careful of minor accidents. Health remains balanced. There is energy for everything. Love is excellent for singles looking for a partner. Married people have fun together. If you can travel together, even better. Home is not a prominent topic, so the focus is on work and love. Not even the children ask for so much.
Lightness. Life has been smiling at you. And February has the same tone. Work is progressing harmoniously. There is no promotion this month, but a feeling of peace in your professional life. If you are looking for a job, you can return to a place from the past. If this idea is bad, continue looking for a new opportunity. Mars gives you the courage you need to broaden your horizons. Sometimes, it can make you impatient. You can control this aspect with light exercises and stretching. Money comes to you in a confusing way. You may receive it late or in parts. In any case, you will receive your amount. This is not a month for speculation. You may make big mistakes in this area. The entire gaming and betting sector, as well as short-term operations with cryptocurrencies, are affected. Drive carefully and be careful with sprains. Your health is more fragile. Take good care of yourself. Love suffers because of your aggressiveness. If you observe your behavior, you can ease the tension in your romantic relationship. Singles are looking for love and may find it difficult to turn it into something serious. The tendency is for short-term relationships. Try to laugh at yourself.
Patience and persistence. February requires your dedication. Things happen, but you need to follow an organized path. Fulfill your obligations at work and try to get closer to the partners you left behind in 2024. Make contact and reestablish business ties. There will be no major progress during the month, just what is necessary. Money appears, but expenses are also high. Organize your budget. Next month, with the Eclipse, you can accumulate more money. If you are looking for a new job, take advantage of the week of the Full Moon in Leo, between the 12th and 19th. If it doesn’t work out, insist on interviews, until the Eclipse on March 14th. Your home is a prominent topic. You want to invest in renovations or are moving to a new house. If you have children, be prepared to spend money on them. Your health remains balanced, but don’t forget to take care of your sleep. Get enough sleep. Love gains strength and you may meet someone interesting. Married people and couples should protect their relationship. There is a tendency for gossip and intrigue from outside. Don’t allow it!
Look far away! February turns your gaze to distant places. It could be a city, state or country. The important thing is that you keep in mind that you need to expand. It all starts with a language course or specialization. If you can, look for a distant online school. An international certificate can change the course of your career. If you don’t know where to start, take a basic English or Spanish course. There is a tendency for growth at work. If you are happy where you are, fight for a promotion. Finances are going well. Extra money may come from your work. If you speculate, there will be positive results. The house is not a prominent topic. Partnerships are hard work. You may have to review contracts with partners or collaborators. You may discover that you are being deceived in a partnership and need a lawyer. Don’t let it pass you by. Do whatever it takes to organize the partnership sector. Your health is good. Love is a victim of this crisis in societies. Those who are dating feel good. Those who are married can feel that they need to adjust the details.
Success! February brings success at work. You have a lot to do. You fill your days with many activities and are in demand by everyone. Many jobs may take place far from home. You need to have a support team if you have young children. Traveling and tiring routes are on the menu. If you work in a fixed location, you may have to deal with new colleagues or employees who come from far away and don’t know the city. You are in charge of helping them with this integration. If you are looking for a new job, look at distant locations. Think big and don’t be afraid of a major change. You are planting connections that will be used throughout the year. Pay attention to the people who arrive. Finances are doing well. There is balance in this sector. Children and grandchildren need a lot of attention. They may have difficulties at school or minor viruses that take you out of your routine. Your health remains excellent. Love is a strong point of your month. There is dating for singles. Married people feel happy and share this phase of success well.
How about a new job? February brings new opportunities. If you are happy where you are, a promotion may come your way. If you are thinking about changing careers, you may be surprised at how quickly things happen. In any case, the professional movement is positive. There is a chance to travel for work and expand your connections. Keep track of all your new contacts. They will be useful throughout the year. Your finances are going smoothly. There is no extra money, but there is no shortage. If you are dating or in a relationship, you can put some bills on your loved one’s account. They will be more prosperous this month. You dedicate yourself to family matters such as home renovations, redecoration, moving or buying and selling property. It could be yours, your family’s, or your parents’ property. You take care of everything. You want to stay home more and you may gain weight. If you want to do that, great. If you don’t like the idea, start moving. Getting out of the house will be an adventure. Ask your friends for help. Your health is weaker. Love is stable. There are no major problems for married couples. Single people may meet someone from the past. They get together, but it doesn’t last long.
Success and lots of movement. February marks the beginning of a series of good omens. At work, there is a chance for growth and prominence. It is the time to show up and be noticed for your abilities. This energy is greater after the 24th. Work hard to arrive on this day with everything in your favor. If you want a new job or want to start your own business, this date is also important. You may have more than one job and may change roles many times in the first half of the year. Your finances give positive returns. It is now that the money starts to appear. And, after June, it will be even greater. So, get ready. Organize your expenses so that the money multiplies. If you understand financial speculation, celebrate. The profits start right away. Your health is very good. You have energy and take care of everyone. You take care of family members and manage the home. Be careful of minor accidents, such as falls and sprains. Love is still lively. Single people can find a partner if they wish. Married people will enjoy a lot of togetherness this month.
Good luck at work! February brings intense professional activity. You won’t have much free time, as the routine will swallow you up. Even so, remember to look for partners who are far away and opportunities in other countries or states. Reconnect with people who were left aside in 2024. If you are looking for a job, the month is propitious. Finances are undergoing regeneration. This means that money is coming, but there may be changes in the source. Instead of receiving money from one company, you may be rehired by another. Your current company may undergo a merger and the employer’s name will be different. Even so, you will continue in the same position. Be careful of misunderstandings due to poor communication or computer fraud. Family is a prominent topic. There are obligations to be fulfilled with the home or relatives. Don’t put it off. Your health is good. Love improves throughout the month. You fight for a united marriage and a stable family. Add a little sweetness to this battle. Remember to be affectionate. Singles are looking for a stable relationship. They can achieve it.
Step by step. February is a training ground for patience. It’s not a standstill, but you can’t complete the changes. You need to trust that much will be accomplished in March. So, you have to trust the process. Try not to destroy what you’ve built. The month is not so hectic in terms of work. You continue in the same position and with the same salary. Focus on fulfilling your obligations and solidifying your position in the company or brand. Money happens, but there is no excess. Knowing this, organize your budget. Be careful not to fool yourself and think that you have more money to receive. If more comes in, pay off debts or make advance payments. There is a chance of good deals with real estate and the division of assets. Your health fluctuates and a lot of it comes from unbalanced emotions. Control your impulses and tantrums. Meditate and exercise. Don’t get carried away and be patient with the development of 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius. Children collaborate more. Love is confusing for married people. They spend a lot of time on household matters. Single people don’t have relationships, only flirtations.
Oscillations! February is marked by many doubts. At times, you follow Saturn and want to do everything according to pre-established guidelines. Soon after, you dive into Neptune’s energy and want to transmute what exists. This is the energy until the end of March. Even so, business and work are going well. You oscillate when you get home, but fulfill your obligations during the day. If you want to change jobs, you can start applying for a job. Next month, the Eclipse will be stronger. Your financial life is going well. There are no unexpected expenses. Those who have properties to negotiate will have good results. Your children and grandchildren need attention, so make time for them. Your health requires attention. You don’t have much energy and you may feel ill. Pay close attention and go to the doctor if you feel tired beyond normal. Be very careful when driving a car or motorcycle. Don’t rush. Love is a lively topic. You may reconnect with an old love or start a relationship. Married couples may break up for no apparent reason. It is not stable.
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