September begins with Pluto retrograde returning to Capricorn. On the 1st, at 23:58 UTC, this great force of transformation heads to the sign of structures, family, and existence. Some may plunge into personal crises, while others feel more secure. This passage through Capricorn, which lasts the entire month, strengthens conservative, dogmatic systems and weakens the humanitarian revolution proposed by Pluto in Aquarius. It is a phase of conservatism.
On the same day, the 1st, Uranus enters retrograde motion. It remains that way until January 30th, 2025. We can expect fewer inventions, fewer revolts, and some blockages in relation to artificial intelligence. Futuristic projects may stagnate.
Now, we continue with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron in retrograde motion. It is a very slow phase of the year. Things happen, but with some delay. Knowing this, organize your schedule and your budget. Instead of making monthly plans, always consider 15 more days. You will get less frustrated and angry.
On the 9th, at 6:50 UTC, Mercury enters Virgo. What a wonderful time for good ideas. It is the perfect time to develop a plan and work on the intellectual part. Since it is an Eclipse month, the suggestion is not to implement the idea. Just plan. That is the proposal until the 25th.
On the 18th, the last Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, at 02:24 UTC. Eclipses are opportunities for change. In this Eclipse, you can close a theme. You can analyze, in depth, what can be transformed. Below, you will find your sun sign’s theme. On October 2nd, 2024, another theme will be expanded. First, you close a cycle and then another will open. Each Eclipse has a 6-month effect on your life. On the day of the Eclipse and the day before, slow down a little. Since it is in Pisces, you may become introspective. Some, a little melancholic. Gastrointestinal disorders are common in the days leading up to the Eclipse. On that day, we will be between the Sun and the Moon. We will feel the magnetism of both. The suggestion is not to make any decisions on that day. Do not get married, do not separate, do not resign from your job, do not change your residence or profession. Do not drink alcohol and avoid deep meditation.
On the 22nd, at 12:44 UTC, the Sun enters Libra. Babies born after this moment will be the new Libras of our Planet. Welcome!
On the 23rd, at 02:36 UTC, Venus moves to Scorpio. Take advantage of this period, until October 16th, 2024, to explore the wonders of love and seduction. It is a time of surprising and intense romantic encounters.
On the 26th, at 8:09 UTC, Mercury enters Libra. An excellent time for lawyers to write their arguments. Those who work in beauty, aesthetics, luxury, architecture and decoration can easily develop new ideas. Marketing in this sector flows well.
To close the month with a flourish, on the 30th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in Libra, at 21:09 UTC. Cheers to this meeting of wisdom and elegance. You can take advantage of this opportunity to develop an intelligent and delicate plan. A harmonious solution to please a large group. Be happy on Earth!
03th – NEW MOON in VIRGO, at 01:55 UTC – Moment suitable for launching businesses and ideas;
08th – Emerging Moon in Scorpio – Suitable time for gaining strength;
11th – Waxing Moon in Sagittarius – At this time there are no guarantees, persist;
14th – Gibbous in Aquarius – Moment suitable for persevering;
18th – Lunar ECLIPSE in Pisces, at 02:34 UTC – Full Moon in Pisces – TIme of peaks and maximum energy;
21st – Disseminating Moon in Taurus – Moment suitable for breaking patterns;
24th – Waning Moon in Cancer, at 14:50 UTC – Time for retreat, auditing and finalizations;
28th – Balsamic Moon in Leo – Moment suitable for healing, forgiveness and breakups.
Spiritual and philosophical changes. The Eclipse moves through your 12th house. It is the place where you store your akashic resources, your karmic history and ancestral heritage. The lunar Eclipse brings an overflow of stored themes. You can revisit other lives and seek healing with a regression. You can seek ancestral healing for all generations. Not everyone can achieve healing, so there may be some airing of dirty laundry between relatives. Knowing this, move lightly and wisely so as not to hurt yourself in the process. A new faith may be embraced. Some enroll in Philosophy courses. It is a way of untangling this energetic tangle. Professional life is going very well. There are new opportunities, including partnerships. Keep an eye out. Finances are showing good results. Health needs more attention, at least until the 21st. After that, it improves a lot. Love is very lively. Singles and married people experience moments of fun and harmony
Good days: 1,7,8,9,10,12,13,16,19,26,27,
New social groups. This is what the Lunar Eclipse promises. Get ready to meet new people and join new institutions. It could be a new club, a new church or a neighborhood association. A place where people gather around a common theme. And there you make your new group of friends. In addition to this place, you receive many invitations to events and parties. You accept, precisely because the Eclipse is opening new social horizons. There is good news at work. You may find a new job, better than the last one. Your financial life is going very well. There is a chance of profits and advantages in financial speculation. Keep an eye out for good market opportunities. Your health remains excellent. Even so, rest on the day of the Eclipse and eat lightly. Love returns to its traditional model. No adventures or crazy things. You choose serious and permanent partnerships. Married people go through moments of serenity. Good days: 2,3,4,5,7,12,13,14,15,20,21,
A busy month. The Eclipse shakes up your 10th house. Your professional life is going through changes. These changes do not mean job loss. You can look at your profession in a new way. You start to see other paths for your growth. You realize that you won’t get far on the old paths. This broad understanding brings other choices. You can choose a new specialization course or an exchange program in another country. You do something that boosts your growth and good performance. If you want to change jobs, you can take advantage of the push given by Neptune. In addition to the Eclipse, Neptune also shakes up your profession. The important thing is to choose well, with your feet on the ground. Choose something that has a foundation, don’t throw everything up in the air. Your health improves after the 21st. Until then, do some stretching and breathing exercises. Meditate and pray. Love is going through a good time. You are at peace, but your partner may really need your financial help. Be present. Good days: 4,5,6,7,8,14,15,16,17,19,22,
The Eclipse moves through your 9th house. Get ready for new developments in your studies and courses. It could be a change of school, the choice of a new course or the end of a school year. Your beliefs will also change. The Eclipse may end your participation in a church or philosophical group. This change may be natural and gradual or marked by scandals and sudden breakups. It depends on how things are going. Your faith will be tested. Contact with other cultures and countries will also change. You may start studying a foreign language or plan a long trip to distant lands. Some will plan to move to another region or country. Work may experience changes, but nothing too serious. Your health remains strong and love may be a little slow. During this month of the Eclipse, you tend to fall in love with someone who lives far away. The Lunar Eclipse affects your sign in a special way, so don’t make any important decisions during this period.
Good days: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,16,17,18,19,24,
The Eclipse moves through your 8th house. The 8th house is about transformation and transmutation. You can change concepts, review thoughts and beliefs. You can question everything you have learned and everything you experience. Something in you has to die, to make room for the new. When you rethink the impermanence of your existence, you can change your life plans. Some rush to get life insurance, while others withdraw all their money to take the trip of their dreams. Everyone has a different reaction, but everyone has this moment to rethink the weight of their time on Earth. Your professional life continues to be prosperous and profits are guaranteed. It is a good time for you. Your health remains balanced and there is a tendency to make changes to your appearance. It could be a new hairdo or even cosmetic surgery. After so much transformation, you want to show the world that something has changed. And your body is the showcase. Love is going through good times. In fact, during this Eclipse in the 8th house, some Leos may have new experiences in their sex life.
Good days: 1,4,5,9,10,14,15,18,19,20,26,
September has a challenging Eclipse for you. Your 7th house, of marriages and partnerships, will be tested. If you are married, you may feel pressure on your relationship. Disagreements and misunderstandings mark this month. The same goes for partners. They may change their minds, leave the partnership or come up with some unpleasant surprise. It is best to keep the dialogue open, so that everyone can express their real desires. Couples, who have been arguing with each other, may break up all at once. This is not surprising. It is a consequence of the Eclipse. The suggestion is not to sign a divorce, new partnership deal or break up a partnership this month. There is no clear vision of events and, after the impact of the Eclipse, the parties may change their minds. Your health is very good. Love is not at its best. In addition to all this, the Eclipse affects your electronics and engines. You may be the victim of an electronic scam and should not drive. This moment has an end, and with your help, it will be easier.
Good days: 1,7,8,12,13,16,17,21,22,23,24,
The Eclipse shakes up your 6th house. It is the house of vocation, routine and habits. With this impact, you transform your daily routine. You may change jobs or be transferred to another region. With this change, everything is different. You have a different time to wake up, you use different means of transportation, you have lunch in another region. You return home earlier or later and you may even change your residence. These are new habits. Along with this, you feel the need to change your diet and exercise routine. There is a great tendency to seek out a nutritionist and a gym. The Eclipse is of the Moon and the Moon coordinates your career. So, prepare yourself for changes in the work structure. A new boss may come in or a leader may step down. Stay flexible to welcome new people to the team. Your health remains excellent. Love is going through a stable moment. Your focus is on reorganizing your schedule, so there is little interest in dedicating yourself to a partner.
Good days: 2,3,4,5,6,12,13,14,15,16,22,
The Eclipse moves through your 5th house. Get ready for creative bursts. September promises new choices in leisure, fun and relationships with children. You can enroll in a craft, music, dance, singing or theater course. You can start a home renovation with your own hands. There are no limits to this artistic transformation. Your professional life improves a lot. This sector seems calmer. If there is turbulence, it is in the lives of the bosses and company leaders. You are not affected. Finances improve. This is not a month that requires so much savings. There is a tendency to get closer to children and babies. They may be children arriving or grandchildren appearing, right after the Eclipse. Your health is going through a good moment. Your love life is active. Married people will have a good month. Single people will have many invitations to parties and events. Since you are changing the way you have fun, you meet other people and flirting is easy. This social movement helps to strengthen professional networking. Good days: 1,2,3,7,8,10,12,13,16,24,25,
The Lunar Eclipse shakes up your home and family. You may move house or discover that you have to move. You may receive a notice that construction work will be delayed and all your planning will have to be redone. Renovating may be the best decision if you find leaks in the kitchen or bathroom. The Eclipse brings these surprises and the best thing to do is to find practical solutions. Some families may have their property protected, but problems with relatives. It may be a relative who decides to move into your home or an elderly person who falls ill. In any case, the house is the topic. The good news comes from work. There are good opportunities for promotion or a new job. Your health improves a lot, especially after the 21st. Love is going well, but your partner may need your financial help. The month is full of surprises. The suggestion is to take care of the house, right from the first few days of the month. At least, you will resolve some of the issues. The relationship with relatives is an issue that will only be resolved when it happens. Good days: 1,2,9,10,12,13,18,19,21,26,27,
Major changes in your communication and studies. The Eclipse moves through your 3rd house. You may choose a new course or a new school. This choice is not very easy. There is a high chance of it happening after a breakup. You may have problems at the school where you study or a disagreement with a teacher. You may change courses because you realize that, at work, they need a different type of specialist. You realize that you are not in the right place and make the change. Another effect of this Eclipse is a new way of communicating. If you have been causing problems with your speech, you can choose to be more polite. If you are the opposite, too quiet, you can improve your skills. There are courses on assertive communication. All these changes form a new you. A new way of expressing yourself to the world. Your health remains excellent. Love is going well and your partner may really need your support. Be present and communicate wisely. Good days: 2,3,4,5,6,12,13,14,15,20,21,
Your financial life is changing. The lunar eclipse shakes up your money and the way you earn it. It’s time to look at your budget as a whole. Your calculations should be clear. Ideally, you should make a half-yearly forecast. After this analysis, you can cut back on expenses or decide that you need to earn more. You’re starting to look for more money. You’re looking for a better job or a strategy to move up in your career. You’re looking for a smarter way to manage your assets and investments. All of this takes up a lot of your time, but it needs to be done. Neptune also puts pressure on your financial life, so don’t put it off. Another important theme is your constant curiosity. In September, you want to learn about new technologies, new brands and companies. Even if you don’t change jobs, you’ll research smart solutions and be interested in what other countries are doing. Your health will improve a lot after the 21st. Love will be going through a great time.
Good days: 3,4,5,6,7,8,13,14,15,21,22,23
A Lunar Eclipse in your sign. It is the guarantee of great internal changes. The Eclipse changes the way you position yourself in the world. You rethink the way you act, be and even dress. In September, changes begin at home, in your routine and at work. These changes continue for 6 months. It is a rebirth. Some Pisces make the whole change at once. Others manage to organize a theme each month. In any case, friends and relatives will notice that you are different. In this phase of change, you can choose new social groups. You can attend another club or church. You can prepare for a new job, in a company that suits you better. There is a tendency for some turbulence at work, but you only change if you want to. The most difficult topic in September is your health. The Lunar Eclipse causes gastrointestinal disorders. And this time, you may feel it strongly. Maintain a light and healthy diet. Don’t drink alcohol and get some rest. Love is not a prominent topic this month. The focus is on you.
Good days: 4,5,7,8,9,10,14,15,16,22,23,
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